


ActivStopLeak (ASL) is a fully automated water leak detection system for homes and commercial buildings that will not only alarm when a leak is detected, but it will also shut down the water supply.
Its electronic control ‘self learns’ what constitutes normal water usage, and identifies any situation where the water flow has the characteristics of a burst pipe, small leak or drip, or a tap left running accidently. Even the drip of a micro leak down to 0.1 ltr per hour can be recognised.
If a much larger than normal water flow is required then the user can disarm the ASL detection monitor at the touch of a button or by an phone APP.
At the point of installation the ASL is Bluetooth® paired with the main user’s phone, then before operation starts is put through it’s ‘learning’ phase. First as NO flow (important that an isolation valve immediately after the ASL is fully closed), then as a normal flow, with the most commonly used tap or shower open fully.
On completion of this simple exercise, the ASL device is ‘armed’, and will continue to learn as usage habits change.

ASL Key features.
• Ultra low flow sensitivity down to 0.1 ltr per hour
• Checks for micro leaks every hour of every day.
• Low voltage safety
• No plug in connections that could be accidently disconnected from the power supply.
• Optional wall mounted control.
• One unit for pipe connections up to 1”.

Control and Alarm methods.
• An LED on the ActivStopLeak indicates the system status.
• Download the free APP for the full control package and warning messaging.
• Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) transmission to a phone.
• Add an additional remote control and alarm, wall mounted and hard wired with Disarm and Rearm touch pads plus LED colour coded messaging.


ActivStopLeak whole house leak detectionSTOPLEAK1
ActivStopLeak whole house leak detection, with Remote control / AlarmSTOPLEAK2
Remote control and Alarm accessorySTOPLEAKCON
Stop leak ball valve accessory kitSTOPLEAKACC1



Russia-Ukraine Statement

The condemnation and imposition of sanctions on Russia and Belarus in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine will have enormous implications and an impact on global trade, particularly on commodities, for years to come. The effect of the war on the building material supply in the UK is still to be determined. However, the region including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus accounted for only 1.25% of building products imported into the UK last year.

Intatec Limited is committed to ensuring that products which we supply are not manufactured using any material sourced in Russia or Belarus.