Annular Solar Pipe



  • Pipe specifically designed for high temperature solar installations
  • Annular stainless steel construction
  • Available in DN16, DN20 and DN25
  • Delivered coiled and boxed
  • Twin lengths in every pack
  • Pre-insulated with 14mm thick insulation
  • Supplied with a robust sensor cable

Product Range

10m pipe pack DN16KF-AN01510
15m pipe pack DN16KF-AN01515
20m pipe pack DN16KF-AN01520
25m pipe pack DN16KF-AN01525
10m pipe pack DN20KF-AN02010
15m pipe pack DN20KF-AN02015
25m pipe pack DN20KF-AN02025
15m pipe pack DN25KF-AN02515
25m pipe pack DN25KF-AN02525
DN16 oval twin way pipe support850VR020352
DN20 oval twin way pipe support850VR020351
DN25 oval twin way pipe support850VR020353
