Anti-Legionella TMV


Inta’s new anti-legionella thermostatic mixing valve comes equipped with a by-pass device to disinfect the valve and the waterway up to the faucet without having to be disassembled while delivering safe, blended hot water to taps, showers, bidets and other water outlets.

Thanks to the valves temperature sensor which dilates and contracts depending on the perceived temperature, it constantly sets the right proportion between hot and cold water automatically regulating the water flow between hot and cold until the perfect temperature has been achieved.

  • Operating pressure range of 0.2 to 10 bar
  • Thermal cartridge technology
  • Temperature stability of +/-2°C
  • Fail safe on hot and cold supplies
  • Suitable for use with unvented supplies, combi boilers, gravity and mains pressure systems
  • Chrome Plated


Thermostatic Mixing Valve 15mm with Built in Diverter for Sterilisation60015CP
Thermostatic Mixing Valve 15mm62015CP




Russia-Ukraine Statement

The condemnation and imposition of sanctions on Russia and Belarus in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine will have enormous implications and an impact on global trade, particularly on commodities, for years to come. The effect of the war on the building material supply in the UK is still to be determined. However, the region including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus accounted for only 1.25% of building products imported into the UK last year.

Intatec Limited is committed to ensuring that products which we supply are not manufactured using any material sourced in Russia or Belarus.