i-therm Angled TRVs


The inta i-therm range of thermostatic radiator valves are designed to be fitted in any orientation and with water flowing in either direction. Inta recommends that good working practice dictates that an automatic by pass valve be fitted to central heating systems that incorporate thermostatic radiator valves to prevent the pump pumping against a closed head as the valves begin to shut as the system gets to temperature.

Inta i-therm thermostatic radiator valves are available in 8, 10 & 15mm variants making them suitable for a wide range of systems. With a choice of both white and chrome heads, the i-therm thermostatic radiator valves will be unobtrusive wherever they’re specified. Clever product design means that the i-therm adjustable thermostatic head doesn’t collect and retain dust and dirt ensuring that it will continue to operate efficiently, and consistently, for years to come.

  • Class I efficient thermostatic radiator valve (white heads only)
  • Keymark approved to EN 215 (white heads only)
  • Liquid filled sensor
  • Control range 0 – 30°C
  • Anti dirt trap minimalistic design
  • Frost protection setting
  • Anti chatter cartridge
  • Fully bi-directional
  • Available in white and chrome
  • Maximum working pressure 10 bar
  • Maximum flow temperature 110°C

Additional information


EN 215:2019


Radiator Valve


15mm Angled Thermostatic Radiator Valve15TRVA
10/8mm Angled Thermostatic Radiator Valve108TRVA
15mm Angled Thermostatic Radiator Valve Twin Pack15TWINA.1
10/8mm Angled Thermostatic Radiator Valve with Lockshield108TWINA
15mm Chrome Angled Thermostatic Radiator Valve with Lockshield15TWINACP.1


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Russia-Ukraine Statement

The condemnation and imposition of sanctions on Russia and Belarus in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine will have enormous implications and an impact on global trade, particularly on commodities, for years to come. The effect of the war on the building material supply in the UK is still to be determined. However, the region including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus accounted for only 1.25% of building products imported into the UK last year.

Intatec Limited is committed to ensuring that products which we supply are not manufactured using any material sourced in Russia or Belarus.