Hiper II V4 Hot Water ONLY HIU


The Hiper II Hot Water only HIU uses the same electronic controller and modulating control as the Hiper II twin plate HIU. Identical performance and features but providing hot water only.

Variable system conditions present challenges that the Hiper HIU PID control system meet by providing stability and rapid reaction to changes in supply and demand. The PICV (control valve) regulation delivers the design flow rate without affecting the modulating travel of the valve, so full authority is available throughout the full scope of the modulation. It is controlled by the electronic PID controller with constant monitoring from temperature and flow sensors at all critical flow and return paths. Key is control of the DHW demand, even at low flow, and still maintaining low return temperatures.

  • Auto Fault Diagnostics.
  • Modbus communications to report system conditions or fault conditions to a central monitor or BMS. (see pages 19/20)
  • Pay As You Go (Prepayment) switching.
  • Integral shut off for Pay As You Go (PAYG) – no external Valve required.
  • Automatic closing of the Control valve when power lost for   Anti-Scald and stop unnecessary heat returns.
  • Viewing access to Heat Meter calculator by lift up panel.
  • Integral Flushing and Bypass Filter Valve
  • Test Ports
  • Pressure Differential and Flow Control by fast acting PICV with Stepper Actuator.
  • Integral Shock Arrestor for cold water supply
  • 2 Strainers, one for each circuit
  • Programmable Return Temperature limitation control.
  • Thermally programmed Keep Warm cycle (also can be turned OFF)

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The Hiper II Hot Water only HIU uses the same electronic controller and modulating control as the Hiper II twin
plate HIU. Identical performance and features but providing hot water only.

Variable system conditions present challenges that the Hiper HIU PID control system meet by providing stability and
rapid reaction to changes in supply and demand. The PICV (control valve) regulation delivers the design flow rate
without affecting the modulating travel of the valve, so full authority is available throughout the full scope of the
modulation. It is controlled by the electronic PID controller with constant monitoring from temperature and flow
sensors at all critical flow and return paths. Key is control of the DHW demand, even at low flow, and still
maintaining low return temperatures.

  • Auto Fault Diagnostics.
  • Modbus communications to report system conditions or fault conditions to a central monitor or BMS. (see pag-
    es 19/20)
  • Pay As You Go (Prepayment) switching.
  • Integral shut off for Pay As You Go (PAYG) – no external Valve required.
  • Automatic closing of the Control valve when power lost for Anti-Scald and stop unnecessary heat returns.
  • Viewing access to Heat Meter calculator by lift up panel.
  • Integral Flushing and Bypass Filter Valve
  • Test Ports
  • Pressure Differential and Flow Control by fast acting PICV with Stepper Actuator.
  • Integral Shock Arrestor for cold water supply
  • 2 Strainers, one for each circuit
  • Programmable Return Temperature limitation control.
  • Thermally programmed Keep Warm cycle (also can be turned OFF)


HIPER II HW ONLY 42P Single Plate HIU with Zenner Heat MeterHIPER2SPSW80ZE


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