The Timed Flow Shower Control with Adjustable Temperature control is designed for use with the Inta range of Thermostatic Mixing Valves. The shower is operated by manually pressing the control knob, the non concussive action automatically closes the shower after approximately 15 seconds. Rotating the control knob clockwise or anti-clockwise reduces or increase the mixed water temperature.
The automatic closing action and functional durability of this shower makes it ideal for in high use areas such as leisure centres and washrooms.
- Suitable for use with unvented supplies, combi boilers, gravity and mains pressure systems
- Non Concussive operation
- Adjustable temperature control
- Vandal Resistant Heads and Fast Fix Brackets to suit
- Operating pressure range of 0.5 to 5 bar (dynamic)
- Flow Time = 15 seconds ±3 seconds
- Exposed and concealed models available