XCEED Heat Pump Magnetic Filter


The new Inta XCEED magnetic filter, featuring all the elements you need in a functioning heat pump system, the Inta XCEED removes the need to buy separate valves and gauges, to save space and time installing.

  • Magnetic Filter
  • Fine Particle Filter
  • Dosing Point
  • Automatic Air Separator
  • Flow Balancing Valve
  • System Pressure Gauge
  • System Temperature Indicator
  • Fill and Flush Valve


XCEED Combination Magnetic Filter 28mmEXHPCF28

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Russia-Ukraine Statement

The condemnation and imposition of sanctions on Russia and Belarus in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine will have enormous implications and an impact on global trade, particularly on commodities, for years to come. The effect of the war on the building material supply in the UK is still to be determined. However, the region including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus accounted for only 1.25% of building products imported into the UK last year.

Intatec Limited is committed to ensuring that products which we supply are not manufactured using any material sourced in Russia or Belarus.