There are a number of applications for each of our products, but it can sometimes be difficult to decipher which is perfect for your requirements. If you want a thermostatic controlled automatic tap, then this is probably the one you want.

Our NC250CP Thermostatic Non Concussive Basin Mixer can assist in all manner of situations and settings. As a unique and patented solution to safe hand hygiene in washrooms, it features Inta’s proven anti-scald thermostatic technology at the same time as operating as a water economy device by shutting the flow of water off after a set period of time.

Key features of this product include the following:

  • Thermostatic & Time Flow controlled, combination in one unit
  • Anti-scald failsafe technology
  • TMV3 approved
  • Temperature adjustable
  • Timed flow control to automatically close the tap

Again, these are all positive features that are useful in any setting. However, there are certain environments that would especially benefit from using this product.

If you manage or specify to a building that has a regular high turnover of individuals for long periods of time, such as in a hospital setting or a school, the benefit of this anti-scald product is that it can help prevent water waste, while also regulating the temperature of your water flow to ensure the highest level of safety possible.

Here’s how:

  • NHS hospital buildings require a Water Safety Plan to help staff focus on and reducing the risks that are often found in association with water systems, specifically those used in hospitals and similar healthcare environments. Utilising the NC250CP feeds in to creating a more holistic and safe water system.
  • Thermostatic mixing valve configurations, appropriate usage and maintenance requirements are all laid out in the Department for Health’s Technical Memorandum DO8. Our NC250CP meets all relevant requirements in line with this specification.
  • According to Water Regs UK – ‘Our future relies on schools providing an essential development ground for the next generation. Making it a safe place for them to learn is vital and none more so than for the water systems within them.’
  • The benefits of the NC250CP help to create a safer water system and work perfectly in a school setting

These are just a few of the most appropriate settings for our water saving  NC250CP Thermostatic Non-Concussive Basin Mixer, which you can read more on here on the Inta website, where you can also find technical information on this TMV3 compliant non concussive tap.


Russia-Ukraine Statement

The condemnation and imposition of sanctions on Russia and Belarus in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine will have enormous implications and an impact on global trade, particularly on commodities, for years to come. The effect of the war on the building material supply in the UK is still to be determined. However, the region including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus accounted for only 1.25% of building products imported into the UK last year.

Intatec Limited is committed to ensuring that products which we supply are not manufactured using any material sourced in Russia or Belarus.