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Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) is the main cause of scale problems. What we consider scale is known as the calcite form of calcium carbonate. Like many compounds calcium carbonate is a polymorph mineral, it can take different forms but each form is made of the same parts. H20 itself is an example of a polymorph compound, it can take the form of ice, snow, water, steam……all H20 but in different forms.
Calcite scale forms when water is either heated or subjected to a change in pressure like when water flows out a tap or is being pumped. Scaling can cause premature equipment failure, reduce thermal efficiency and lead to premature maintenance
A catalytic water conditioner is one that that prevents calcite scale by converting calcium carbonate to a form which does not adhere to surfaces. Once treated calcium carbonate takes the form of aragonite that has a much smoother crystal structure which stays suspended in the water and flows harmlessly through the system and eventually out of the drain.
As water passes through the catalytic conditioners it is exposed to a small electrical charge on the surface of the alloy and a series of pressure drops caused by the shape of the alloy. These actions cause the precipitation of calcium carbonate which forms an insoluble aragonite crystal. These crystals, microscopic in size, do not have the same bonding properties compared to calcite scale, and will remain suspended in the water and will flow out through the drain. Its not a filter so does not remove minerals totally from the water, water still retains its mineral benefits. If treated water is left to evaporate the remaining mineral residue will take the form of a soft chalk which can be easily wiped away.
Tags: ActivFlo, Water Conditioners